She was a 17-year-old Radley Sanitarium patient that was murdered the night of Alison's disappearance. D. I like to wear light and fun colors, and I always have to look better than my friends. Later, Hanna befriended Alison DiLaurentis, Spencer Hastings, Emily Fields, and Aria Montgomery. 293. Missing after the first scene of the pilot, dead by the end and. Aria goes to the courthouse and confesses to lying about her age and forging her. Charlotte was the best friend, mentor, older adoptive sister, and. This is shown when he stops Toby from attacking Andrew after they capture him. Introduced in the third season under the pseudonym CeCe Drake, Charlotte was a friend and mentor to main character Alison DiLaurentis before DiLaurentis' disappearance. The event became the catalyst for her personality. Alison This about "Alison", not "Courtney" her twin. He is known for playing Jason DiLaurentis, the older brother of Alison DiLaurentis (Sasha Pieterse), on Freeform's Pretty Little Liars (2010–2017) and Ian Archer in Cartoon Network's Tower Prep (2010). – Alison Dilaurentis. Also the scene of Alison and Ezra flirting in season 4 was gross considering Sasha was what 16 or 17 and Ian Harding was in his 20's-30's. But once those questions were answered, there was more to be uncovered, and Ali's mom, Jessica DiLaurentis, was killed for knowing too much at the end of Season 4. Alison has been long popular in Scotland and widely used here since the fifties; this more feminine medieval derivative of Alice had long surpassed the original in popularity. She was the mysterious new resident of Rosewood and the new-girl who. Ella es interpretada por la actriz Sasha Pieterse. A troubled foster child with a complex past, Caleb initially befriended The Liars after he began a relationship with Hanna Marin. Alison greatly values connections with others and mutual support. Age: 24. Sasha Pieterse-Sheaffer known professionally as Sasha Pieterse (born February 17, 1996) is a South African-born but American singer and actress. Shadows Vale · 7/24/2014 in Theories. Three. T. The Pretty Little Liars, or just The Liars, is a nickname for a group of five former students at Rosewood High School - Alison DiLaurentis, Spencer Hastings, Aria Montgomery, Hanna Marin, and Emily Fields. I have a very edgy look, and I follow my own styles rather than copy others. He had an affair with Jessica DiLaurentis which resulted in the birth of Jason DiLaurentis. Before the DiLaurentises moved to Rosewood their last name was Day. Melissa Josephine Hastings (formerly Thomas) is a major supporting and former antagonistic character in the television series Pretty Little Liars on Freeform. Original A. Popular high school student and queen bee Alison DiLaurentis vanishes leaving the town of Rosewood shaken and without answers. Alison DiLaurentis: General Information Gender: Female Age: 27 Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue Marital Status: Dating Emily Fields: Birthday: June 6, 1994 Height: 5'6: Nickname: Ali (by The. Alison Lauren DiLaurentis Drake es un personaje principal de la serie de televisión Pretty Little Liars. Prior to Alison's disappearance, Aria became aware that her father. 2. (Page on fake Ali) Alison is the vinidictive queen bee of Rosewood School. Alison DiLaurentis was plenty of bad qualities in Pretty Little Liars, but this one was her absolute worst. Since the liars are supposed to be 18 (which also works, because there's a screenshot of Spencer being born in 1994), that would make Jason and Melissa 25. This is a feel-good story about true, undying love, close friendships, and an epic amount of humor. Alison. A. Ezrison is the former romantic pairing of Alison DiLaurentis and Ezra Fitz and subsequently friendship from Season 5 onwards. She is portrayed by Andrea Parker. Parker Bagley was initially cast as Jason, appearing in a handful of episodes in Pretty. They were a close-knit group, but they were easily manipulated by Alison, the self-appointed leader. , with Alice having leapfrogged back over Alison, Alicia and other variations. Courtney DiLaurentis: General Information: Gender: Female Age: 13 at time of death Hair Color: Honey Blonde Eye Color: Cerulean Blue Birthday: June 6 Nickname(s): Ali Relationships: Family: Jessica DiLaurentis. Little Miss Liz · 6/24/2015. Character Analysis. The ideal Alison DiLaurentis scene, you don’t create an iconic character and have her be played by the perfect actress only to turn her into a goody-goody in. Choose royalty-free collections > Choose editorial collections > Embeddable images. Aria Marie Fitz (née Montgomery) is one of the Liars and main protagonists in the Pretty Little Liars television series on Freeform. Wren Kingston is a major supporting character in the television series Pretty Little Liars on Freeform. He has also starred as Remi Delatour on Lifetime's Devious Maids (2013–2015),. She is portrayed by Olga Alexandrovskaia. She has some moments but it's more sociopathic than anything , it's all fake and she acts in the way where she's just mirroring emotions, and treating the girls so badly. Grew Up… as close to a princess as a pretty girl from an affluent suburban neighborhood can get. Elliott Rollins) was a major supporting antagonistic character in Pretty Little Liars television series on Freeform. – Alison Dilaurentis. 2 Season 5 2. He soon became the technical. Wilden was a partier and at one point went on a boat trip to Cape May with Alison DiLaurentis, "CeCe Drake", and Melissa Hastings. The 'Mean Girl' is a common trope in many television shows and movies, particularly teen/coming of age dramas. Fear. View Collection. This article centers around Alison DiLaurentis on the show. Even after she came back. She was the mother of. She is portrayed by Bianca Lawson. Mona Vanderwaal is one of the main characters of Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists. Jenna Marshall is a major supporting antagonist character in Pretty Little Liars television series on Freeform. Spencer Jill Hastings is a fictional character, one of the five main characters who appear in the Pretty Little Liars novel series and its Freeform television adaptation. 10. Alison blackmailed Toby into taking the blame for Jenna's "accident", by saying that she would tell the whole town about their affair. But when she does come back, her character sure doesn't impress the fans. Polish Ali's Pretty Little Lies. She is portrayed by Janel Parrish. Courtney was the third DiLaurentis child and Ali's twin. He is portrayed by Jim Abele. He also had a one night stand/affair with Mary Drake. View. The name Alison is girl's name of Scottish origin. Back in 2018, Sasha Pieterse was fending off bullies who viciously spread rumors she was pregnant. December 4, 2022 by Robin. Age: 45 (At time of death) Hair Color: Dirty Blonde. Her relationship with Emily. She is also a killer. Bethany Young was a minor character in Pretty Little Liars television series on Freeform. Alex is the daughter of Mary Drake and Peter Hastings. She's a great and layered watch, until she's no longer missing. Community. Drew Van Acker notably portrayed Jason DiLaurentis in Pretty Little Liars, but he wasn't the first actor cast in the role. The three formed a club called the N. At the beginning of their game, "A" does not sign their messages with the. Melissa is often portrayed as being antagonistic towards. Alison DiLaurentis is one of the main characters of the book, even though she went missing three years ago—when she was in seventh grade—and is found deceased at the end of the book. He was the main protagonist of the spin-off series, Ravenswood. Live Death Statistics Worldwide and The United States. 10- “When I was at my most lonely and unhappy and angry place, you loved me. General Information Gender: Female Age: 18 Hair Color: Brown (Currently) Honey Blonde (Formerly) Eye Color: Cerulean Blue Marital Status: Single Birthday: June 6th, 1989 Occupation (s): Student at Rosewood Day. Alison told Hanna she wished she had been blindfolded when she got it. She and her twin sister Courtney were best friends until Alison became jealous of her sister and convinced her parents to intern. She snuck into Mona's room for story time and would listen to all the ways Mona made The Liars suffer. She is the person that stalked Alison before her disappearance,. She is portrayed by Tammin Sursok. Drew Van Acker (born April 2, 1986) is an American actor, model and producer. Sasha Pieterse Was Only 12 Years Old When She Filmed The Pilot For 'Pretty Little Liars'. Enneagram Twos belong to the heart centre, along with Threes and Fours, and they naturally make decisions based on their emotions. ”. Ezra Fitz (born Fitzgerald) is a former English teacher at Rosewood High School, the current owner of The Brew and an author. Mary Drake is a major recurring character in the Freeform series, Pretty Little Liars. A year later, her body was discovered and incorrectly identified as Alison DiLaurentis. Alison's Yellow Top is the top that Alison was wearing the night she went missing. She is a beautiful girl whom everyone loves, including her clique made up of Spencer Hastings, Aria Montgomery, Hanna Marin, and Emily Fields. In addition, Alison likes to feel appreciated and recognition is key to her. When Sasha Pieterse first started playing Alison DiLaurentis, she was only 13 years old -- though most of the first season was shot when she was 14 -- close to the. In both the beginnings of books and television series, Alison is a central character who is shown mostly in flashbacks. In reality, Alison DiLaurentis’ tomb was accidentally filled with Bethany Young after she was mistakenly recognized as Alison DiLaurentis. Alison was the most popular girl at Rosewood Day School. At the beginning of PLL, Alison DiLaurentis has disappeared from Rosewood. He was assigned to investigate Alison's murder. Pieterse. By Aya Tsintziras. Height: 5'8" Occupation(s): Student at Rosewood High School (Graduated). That creeped me out. Jason DiLaurentis is the older brother of the twins — Alison and Courtney. With so many teenage girl characters on one show, it's no wonder that there's a lot of. Ooooh yes! sAshA is super talented to play the character of Alison dilAurentis, especially at such a young age of 12 (iirc), ugh she’s such a horrible character who literally gives me nightmares but I can understand why people love her / fear her <3Archer Dunhill (alias Dr. What most closely describes your style? I usually wear very dark colors; mostly black. A majority of the following took place before and within the first. Alison used to dress up as Vivian to spy on "A", while Charlotte used. This article details the sequence of events surrounding the disappearance of Alison DiLaurentis from June to September 1st and September 2nd of 2009. Age: 21-22. Is Alison DiLaurentis's father, Kenneth DiLaurentis, dead or alive?Alison Lauren "Ali" DiLaurentis is a fictional character in the Pretty Little Liars novel series, introduced in the original series of novels and also appearing in the television adaptation. The liars, Jenna, Caleb should all be 18 I think. Jessica DiLaurentis - Alison often threw tantrums to get what she wanted from her mother Jessica, as seen in "Turn of the Shoe. It's super interesting to see someone so young be so believably manipulative, literally ruining adult lives and leaving the pieces in her wake. Charlotte DiLaurentis is a fictional character created by I. June 6, 1994) is one of the main characters of the Freeform television series Pretty Little Liars. She is portrayed by Jessica Belkin and Jennifer Cain. Mona told Charlotte how. Spencer finds a page of Alison's diary called "The Hart and The Huntsman", where Ali indicates her date with. Friendship. Friends: Hanna Marin Alison DiLaurentis Spencer Hastings Mona Vanderwaal Ayla Gentosi Melissa DiLaurentis Caleb Rivers Max Moore Employer: Laurel Tuchman Enemies: “A” Mona Vanderwaal Noel Kahn Tristan. She is the younger step-sister of Toby Cavanaugh. This Alison DiLaurentis talked about in this article is not the one that was friends with Spencer, Aria, Emily and Hanna. Described as an “alternative” and artsy teen, the franchise revolves around Aria and her. Alison, the resident Queen Bee, rules the school with an iron fist, while Emily is the shy swimmer who is harboring deep feelings for her. Biography. ) is the main antagonist in seasons 6B and 7, who torments The Liars into divulging the identity of Charlotte DiLaurentis' Killer. Live. At the age of fourteen, Taylor witnessed her father's shooting. Aria Marie Montgomery is one of the Liars and main protagonists in the Pretty Little Liars book series written by Sara Shepard. She is the artsy chameleon who is very intelligent, caring,. 20. Alison is AWEFUL, all around. Height: 5'10" Occupation(s):. Advertisement. He is portrayed by Huw Collins. But that’s exactly what happened to 21-year-old Sasha Pieterse, the young blonde best known for playing Alison DiLaurentis on Pretty Little Liars. Sasha Pieterse was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. She was depressed by her friend's disappearance after 7th grade. Mona goes on to say that Alison DiLaurentis will look responsible for killing her because ‘A’ wants to see Alison locked up. Peter Hastings is the father of Melissa, Jason, Spencer, and Alex Drake. Caleb Rivers is one of the main characters in the television series Pretty Little Liars on Freeform. When. She immigrated over to the United States with her professional dancer parents in 2000. She is portrayed by Sasha Pieterse Alison was the 'It Girl' and Queen Bee of Rosewood's teenage social. View Collection. Don't get your torches and pitchforks yet. Marital Status:. He dated Alison,. Alison as Vivian Vivian Darkbloom is the alter ego of Alison DiLaurentis and later, Charlotte DiLaurentis. In an interview with Cosmopolitan, Pieterse explained that the age difference was always interesting to her. Alison DiLaurentis é uma personagem fictícia da franquia Pretty Little Liars, aparecendo nas versões literária e televisiva. Actress: Inherent Vice. He was Charlotte's doctor at the time she was a patient. 8- “I had this whole romantic proposal planned, and it didn’t include a pug sweatshirt, but I guess I’ll just wing it. Marital Status: Divorced from Kenneth DiLaurentis. Courtney "Ali" Day-DiLaurentis was one of the Liars and hidden main protagonists in the Pretty Little Liars book series written by Sara Shepard. Darren is the main suspect of being the Beach Hottie. In "A is for Answers", it is revealed that Alison's mother bought the top for Alison from Neilan's. She was the victim of a "prank" orchestrated by Alison DiLaurentis that resulted in her becoming blind. The series follows the lives of four girls – Spencer Hastings, Hanna Marin,. Alison DiLaurentis, the OG missing blonde girl on Pretty Little Liars, played into this idea from the beginning of the show. Emily is a rather shy, timid girl from a conservative. Story lines The twin sisters Alison and Courtney Day-DiLaurentis were born on June 6, 1990, [citation needed] the fruits of a secret sexual relationship between Jessica DiLaurentis and Peter Hastings. The Mean Girl is often a popular girl who feels like she owns the school and has many supporters and friends who help her keep her crown. Hanna was overweight and was constantly made fun of by. The star’s weight was always talked about. A year. Even at a young age, she commanded the room as Alison DiLaurentis. What age group is. Age: 18. Sasha Pieterse first played 15-year-old Alison DiLaurentis when she was 13. Maya Anne St. Birthday: March 7, 1994. " She would hold her breath until Jessica gave in, a trick Alison perfected at the age of five to get what she wanted. Jaria is the couple and friendship name for the short-lived romantic relationship and current friendship between Jason DiLaurentis and Aria Montgomery. Marlene King, he, along with Jessica DiLaurentis, is the true villain of the story. The actress, who is best known for her role as Alison. Behind her eyes there is a darkness. Alison DiLaurentis; A (Pretty Little Liars) Age gap relationship; Lots and lots of Secrets; Pretty Little Liars - Freeform; PLL;Alison "Ali "Lauren DiLaurentis (Born Day-DiLaurentis) is the main antagonist of Pretty Little Liars book series created by author Sara Shepard and Second "A". Eye Color: Blue. IMAGE STYLE PHOTOGRAPHERS COLLECTIONS.